Mirribandi GryphonDream
Vanistica French Fanfare (Imp UK) x Dam: Aust Ch Mirribandi PhoenixDream (AI) CD
Hips 2.1 Elbows 0.0
Born 19th March 2004
Owner ~ was Lumineux ~ now lives with and owned by Wendy Barton
Gryphon is a half brother to my pretty Tervueren girl Sienna, his pedigree boasting a combination of some outstanding Groenendael and Tervueren - including many prominent producers.
Gryphon has been shown mainly at Breed Specialty shows, some highlights below.
2010 ~ Gryphon now lives with Wendy in country Victoria, where he
is loved and spoilt :) sometimes no matter how much it hurts, you
have to do what's best for your dog, even if it means letting
them go to live with elsewhere.
A beautiful boy with a loving nature Gryphon loves to cuddle and
is very much a mummy's boy.
He also gets to go to "work"with Wendy ^..^ like many
Belgians he is extremely intuitive and this sensitive and gentle
nature is being put to good use in helping others.
Specialty Show Results
Specialty Show, 6th June 2009
Judge: Amanda McLaren (UK)
1st Exc Aus Bred Dog Class
22nd Specialty Show, 1st November 2008
Judge: Marion Ten Cate (Netherlands)
1st Exc Aus
Bred Dog Class, Best Aus Bred Groenendael & Res Dog CC
Shepherd Dog Club of NSW Champ Show 3rd August 2008
Judge: Kris Malinowski (UK)
2nd Exc Open
Dog Class
Shepherd Dog Club of NSW Champ Show 2nd August 2008
Judge: Janet Andrews (UK)
VG Open Dog
Shepherd Dog Club of Vic Champ Show 29th Oct 2005
Judge: M Vermeire (Belgium) - Breed Specialist
1st Exc Junior Dog Class - Best Intermediate Groenendael
Shepherd Dog Club of NSW Champ Show 30th July 2005
Judge: Mr E Desschans (Belgium) - Breed Specialist
1st Exc Junior
Dog Class
Belgian Shepherd
Dog Club of NSW Champ Show 30th Oct 2004
Judge: S Rickard (Australia)
(no critiques or gradings given - non Breed Specialist judge)
1st Minor
Puppy Dog class & Best Minor Groenendael
Photos from Belgian Specialty Oct 2006
Gryphon's Terv brother Aust Ch Mirribandi Gypsy Prince
Sire Vanistica French Fanfare (Imp UK) (G) Hips 6:7 Elbows 0:1 Eyes Clear 13.02.04 |
Sire Fr Ch Milan de la Closerie de Yenda (G) |
Sire Jirian du Mas de la Galandie (G) |
Sire Fr Ch Gylson de la Fureur du Crepuscule (G) |
Dam Gypsie du Mas de la Galandie (G |
Dam Fr Ch Hestia-Belle de la Closerie de Yenda (G) |
Sire Int Ch Falk vom Naunenhof (G) |
Dam Fr Ch Deese de la Grande Lande (T) |
Dam Vanistica Brie de Meaux (G) |
Sire Eng Ch Gydo v't Belgisch Schoon at Ebontine (G) |
Sire Du Ch Othiz v't Belgisch Schoon (G) |
Dam Nice Lady v't Belgisch Schoon (G) |
Dam Eng Ch Vanistica Cornish Affair (G) |
Sire Eng Ch Vanistica Revloch Chimney Sweep (G) |
Dam Eng Ch Vanistica Moondust (G) |
Dam Aust Ch Mirribandi PhoenixDream (AI) CD (G) Hips 1:2 gr 0 "A" Elbows 0:0 Eyes Clear 18.03.03 |
Sire s.r. GR Ch Jairouk de la Fureur de Crepuscule (Frn) PT JHT (T) Hips OFA "Good" Elbows OFA "Normal" Eyes CERF Oct 98 |
Sire R.E. UKC GR Ch/AKC Ch Gourou du Crepuscule des Loups HCT (T) Hips "Excellent" Elbows Normal Eyes Clear '96 |
Sire R.E. Ch Ares du Bois du Tot (Frn) (T) |
Dam Esy du Crepuscule des Loups (Frn) (T) |
Dam s.r. Flika du Bois du Tôt (Frn) (T) |
Sire R.e. Day Dreem de Condivicnum (Frn) (T) |
Dam R.E. Tiakie du Sart des Bois (Frn) (T) |
Dam Aust Ch Lanaken Magic at Midnite (IID) (G) Hips 2:1 gr 0 "A" Elbows 0:0 Eyes Clear 04.01.00 |
Sire R.E. Fandy Black de Condivicnum (Frn) (G) |
Sire R.E. Dandy du Chemin des Dames (Frn) (G) |
Dam R.e. Brennie du Sart des Bois (Frn) (T) |
Dam Shary del Castel Sardo (Imp Ndl) (G) |
Sire Grimm (Itl) (Ndl) (G) |
Dam Filou del Castel Sardo (Ndl) (G) |
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