
Diary of Shayls's injury and subsequent 2 surgeries.....

1st Injury ~ detatched meniscus, ruptured cruciate, collateral ligament.
2nd injury ~ brken leg due to car accident

Thursday 17the Feb 2022
Shayla non weight bearing on her right hind leg after playing outside with her sister (note: it had been raining so the ground was wet).

17th Feb 2022 My leg hurts :(

18th Feb 2022

18th Feb 2022

Shayla update - Saturday 19th Feb 2022
Vet appt Sat 8.45am.
Result of vet visit. Hefty vet bill, pain meds, more meloxicam and a tentative booking for an xray on Monday depending how she is going. On manipulation the vet said the pain seems to be in her hip which is not great.

Shayla update - Monday 21st Feb 2022. AM.
Shayla had an appointment at the vet for xrays this morning.
It's bad news, she has a rupture of her lateral collateral ligament and is about to go to a specialist vet hospital for surgery...............

About to leave for her vet appointmnet

Shayla update - Monday 21st Feb 2022. PM.
Shayla has had her surgery.
Just got off the phone with the ortho vet, he said the meniscus was detached from joint capsule, she had a ruptured cruciate ligament and the collateral ligament was also torn.
She has had TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy) surgery and has 6 pins in her leg. She will be able to come home tomorrow and will have a frame on her leg. She has to go back on Friday for a checkup, then back again in 10 to 14 days and then another couple of trips after that......

Shayla update - Tuesday 22nd Feb 2022
My baby is home ?
The frame is there to keep her leg from bending. She's got a comfy padded mat in with her but decided to sit on the mat the water bucket was on ?b referrerpolicy=

The frame is to keep her leg stable

Full of hardware 22nd Feb 2022 22nd Feb 2022

Shayla update - Saturday 26th Feb 2022
Mummy is still recovering from her migraine so I'm letting you all know I had my first checkup on Friday morning (yesterday). The vet removed my dressings and checked my leg and I got the all clear, the frame on my leg has to stay on for 8 weeks! Mummy and I are both really unhappy about that.
I get my stitches out at my next check up. Mum dobbed me in for pulling some of the foam padding out from under the orange bandage which is supposed to help make me comfortable, I was supposed to have a big horrible plastic thing on my head but I went nuts when mummy put it on and she felt so sorry for me and was so scared I'd hurt my leg she didn't make me wear it.
But, now she has some other torture devices to put on me when she can't watch me.
She didn't put any of them on last night because she was so sick and went to bed early but I pulled more stuff out (see floor) and now I'm wearing one of them. ?b referrerpolicy=
Mummy says it's my own fault and it's because she loves me but I'm giving her the sad eye and making her feel bad ?? referrerpolicy=

I'm innocent I didn't chew anything ;) 26th Feb 2022 It's this or the cone Shayla :(

Shayla update - Tuesday 15th March 2022.
Sadly we had a major setback ?b referrerpolicy=
On the way home from the vet checkup on Tuesday (15th March) Wayne had a car accident, swerving to avoid a wombat but hitting a tree head on, fortunately he wasn't going very fast because of Shayla in the back but it did enough damage :(
Wayne was taken to hospital in an ambulance (since released) and the car is a write off.
Luckily Shayla was behind the cargo barrier, but the impact of whatever she was thrown up against had pushed the frame forward in her leg and the screws were bent. When I saw her I knew it was bad, so in desperation I called upon a friend who drove down here and took us both back to the emergency vet in Mornington.

Shayla update - Wednesday 16th March 2022.
She had the xray's and the ortho vet advised me she had in fact broken the leg in 3 places and that he and the other specialist were discussing how best to handle it, but that they will prob have to take the frame off to put a plate in her leg and then, if, as he had hoped there had been enough stabilisation from the 3 weeks she's already had the frame, he wouldn't have to do more surgery on the ligament and they could put a splint on the leg wrapped in padded bandages, he was hoping the collateral ligament had healed enough already to provide some support so she doesn't have to have the splint.

Shayla update - Thursday 17th March 2022.
Shayla's surgery went well and the ortho vet (who performed her original surgery) is happy with the placement of the plate around the bone etc and because her leg has been healing well she is not going to have to have the splint and bandages which would have added extra weight to the broken bone.But because of the rotation of the repaired break she may end up with a 1 leg that turns out a bit when she stands.

Shayla update - Saturday 19th March 2022.
We picked Shayla up from the vet today, I sat in the back with her the whole way as I knew she would be worried getting in a car again, she was pretty good considering all that's happened to her poor thing. So now we start all over again with her restriction, rest and recovery.....

  19th March 2022    

20th March 2022 Dressing is off :(

Shayla update - Friday 1st April 2022.
We took Shayla to get her stitches out this morning, she was very brave and walked straight up to the intern for a pat. The vet that operated on her (both times) was happy with how she was progressing and she can start going for 2 x 10 minute walks on lead each day to try and build up the muscles again. We are to add 5 mins to her walks each week.
She doesn't need to go back for another 6 weeks, which is when they take xrays of her leg. She has been putting weight on her leg every few steps the last couple of days but does still hold her leg up. She is quite nervous in the car now unfortunately, but I sit in the back with her and talk to her and hold her ?

Those eyes ? 1st April 2022 Sitting with my girl


Sitting in the back with mum on the way to get my stitches out 1st April 2022

Home resting, my stitches are out
Not only am I shaved, I have dropped all my coat due to the anaesthetic.

Shayla update - Friday 22nd April 2022.
Shayla is weight bearing on her leg during our lead walks, with the occasional skip.
She is happy to be allowed walks but gets a bit excited and wants to go faster than she should.

Shayla update - Saturday 30th April 2022.
This was her 2nd treatment with Rachel - Gippsland animal osteopathy, who did some gentle treatment on her back where she was tense and hunching and laser on her leg. I noticed improvement after her 1st treatnent from a week ago, she will have another session next weekend.

8th May 2022 ~ 7 weeks post op, short videos of on lead walks

Shayla says Hi :)

On lead walks, view from behind and side

13th May 2022 - Appt at Vet hospital and xrays under anaethesia
It has been 11 weeks & 4 days from 1st surgery - detatched meniscus, ruptured cruciate, collateral ligament.
8 weeks from 2nd surgery for broken leg due to car accident

When we picked her up the vet intern advised fractures and everything else had healed, but, the caudal ligament is damaged. I wanted to wait to speak to the surgeon before posting this update as I was getting conflicting info from the vet intern.

17th May 2022
I spoke to the surgeon last night. He said he wanted her to have physiotherapy now, as in not just massage but for "range of movement excercises" and in particular things to "strengthen her quadraceps" he said an example I could do with her was sits but my Osteo person will be able to assist further. He especially wants her to have hydrotherapy as he says that will help her (we hope to start that in June).
She can continue her lead walks, but no off lead excercise outside - he doesn't want her running around just yet. She doesn't have to be restricted to her room now and can move about the house freely because he wants her "moving about and using her leg so she can build up muscle tone" but there is to be "no jumping on furniture".
One of the questions I asked was "could they tell when this ligament would have been damaged" He said the ligament was likely to have been damaged at the beginning (or possibly in the car accident) and then any kind of movement as simple as turning or getting out of her bed could have caused it to further damage......
They want to see her again in 6 weeks.She is still not happy in the car so that's something we have to work on as well now.

20th June 2022
Appt at Vet hospital with her surgeon
"I saw Shayla again today for 14 week follow up after femoral fracture and previous stifle multi-ligament injury. She is progressing well with aparent resolution of caudal tibial subluxation. Activity can be slowly increased and I do not plan to re-examine her.
Please find attached our records for Shayla, outlining the details of her management. We are always happy to discuss cases, so please don't hesitate to call us on 5979 9600 if you have any questions. "

Further info from vet surgeon 20th July 2022

History: Right TPLO and trans-articular external skeletal fixator performed on 22/2/22 for

traumatic cranial cruciate rupture and collateral lateral ligament rupture. On 15/03/22

Shayla and her owner was involved in a car accident and she developed

non-weight bearing lameness. Radiographs revealed a right femoral fracture in the

location of the ESF pins. Shayla had surgery on 17/3 where the ESF was removed and

the fracture was repaired with an IM pin and plate. 13/05/22 had been progressing well

then developing skipping lameness. X-rays revealed healing of femoral fracture but

caudal tibial subluxation consistent with caudal cruciate ligament rupture. Conservative

management with physio and hydrotherapy advised.

Shayla has been in good health. She has had physio once per week. Walks have been

150-300m TID. She has an occasional skip but is much better than she was.


No lameness at the walk and trot. Right thigh muscle significantly improved, only slightly

less than on the left. No pain on manipulation of right stifle through a full range of



I am very pleased with Shayla’s progress. The physio and improved muscle appears to

have resolved the caudal tibial subluxation.


Unrestricted in house but do not allow off lead outdoors for four weeks.

Gradual increase lead walks from today up to one hour in four weeks time.

In 4-8 weeks time, gradual increase in off-lead, on walks and in back yard, with

unrestricted activity after this.

No further re-examination required

4th July 2022


Shayla here - just sharing some pics from one of my weekend walks. I saw cowies and horsies today - I woofed a little

because one of the horsies startled me, but then it came over to the fenceline so I wagged my tail so it would know

I wanted to play. A couple of cars went up our road when we were walking and even a tractor -

I was scared of it because it was really BIG and loud, but mum protected me ;)

20th July 2022
Shayla is progressing well, she has 2 long walks per day with no limping, specific excercises we do at home and routine laser and biomedical treatments from our osteo girl

20th July 2022 Me and my daddy on a walk